FBI Reports Cyber-Crime Quadruples During Covid-19, Use Veloci To Protect your Data

An FBI official, Deputy Assistant Director Tonya Ugoretz, said this week that the bureau has seen a spike in cybercrime reports since the onset of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.  Typically the Internet Crime Complaint Center, the IC3, “receives 1,000 complaints a day through their internet portal, they’re now receiving something like 3,000 – 4,000. There was this brief shining moment when we hoped that, you know, ‘gosh cybercriminals are human beings too,’ and maybe they would think that targeting or taking advantage of this pandemic for personal profit might be beyond the pale. Sadly that has not been the case,” Ugoretz said.

60% of All Cyber-Security Issues Affect Small Businesses and Cost Between $84,000 and $148,000

Veloci offers multiple solutions to keep your data safe and secure from State of the Art Commercial Ransomware Protections, Anti-Virus, Backup Solutions, O365 Backup, Virtual Desktop, Cloud Migration, and Certified Disaster and Continuos Recovery Solutions.

DON’T Pay for a one-size-fits all solution.  Our experts will customize a data backup solution that prioritizes your businesses’ needs, not all data needs to be restored instantly, but applications, sensitive data, and the items that keep your business operating can be restored and kept running when you been them most.  While HR records and pictures from the employee Christmas Party in 2005 can be put on the back burner (for a reduced cost) until everything is running smoothly again.

Our goal is to learn your needs and work with you to offer solutions that meet your needs so you can focus on your core business while we take all of the headaches and hassles out of maintaining your network and communication infrastructure.

If you’re looking into new telecommunication services for your company, contact Veloci Communications. The company provides an array of business phone services, including VoIP, cloud phone systems, and broadband solutions. The company also provides IT services like network infrastructure, cloud backup, and security. With more than 25 years in business, Veloci employs a knowledgeable team that can help you shape solutions to the specific needs of your business. Visit the company’s website VelociComm.net for a full list of services or call (713) 574-9955 to discuss your needs with a team member.



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