Answers to Common Questions About Telecommunication Systems


What are telecommunication systems?

They are any system that facilitates communication at a distance using electronic waves or signals. These are used by businesses, individuals, and governments to stay connected and share important messages.

What different systems are available?

Traditionally, telecommunication systems have consisted of telephones, radio waves, and microwave radio transmissions. However, online communication can also count as a telecommunication system. In fact, there are now phone systems that are entirely hosted online.

How do telecommunication systems work?

telecommunication systemsEach type of system works a bit differently, but there are a few main components that stay pretty consistent. The process starts with a transmitter, which takes the message that you want to send and turns it into a signal that is able to be sent through waves or electronic means to another location. Then it reaches a receiver on the other end that converts that signal back into a message that makes sense to the recipient.

Why are quality telecommunication systems important for businesses?

Businesses and the people who work there need to be able to communicate clearly with customers, clients, partners, vendors, and members of the public. This type of system gives you a clear method for reaching people even when you’re not in the same physical space. In fact, many businesses may make use of multiple systems at once, like phone and internet communication.


If you’re looking into new telecommunication services for your company, contact Veloci Communications. The company provides an array of business phone services, including VoIP, cloud phone systems, and broadband solutions. The company also provides IT services like network infrastructure, cloud backup, and security. With more than 20 years in business, Veloci employs a knowledgeable team that can help you shape solutions to the specific needs of your business. Visit the company’s website for a full list of services or call (713) 574-9955 to discuss your needs with a team member.


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